釈尊は、「すべての者は暴力におびえ、すべての者は死をおそれる。己が身をひきくらべて、殺してはならぬ。殺させてはならぬ」と説かれ、また、仏法に教え導かれるところ「 国豊民安 兵戈無用 」(国は豊かになり人々は平穏に暮らし、武器をとって争うこともなくなる)とも説かれました。そして親鸞聖人は、「世のなか安穏なれ 仏法ひろまれ」と願われました。
真宗教団連合 | ||
浄土真宗本願寺派 | 総長 | 荻野 昭裕 |
真宗大谷派 | 宗務総長 | 木越 渉 |
真宗高田派 | 宗務総長 | 増田 修誠 |
真宗佛光寺派 | 宗務総長 | 八木 浄顯 |
真宗興正派 | 宗務総長 | 秦 直樹 |
真宗木辺派 | 宗務長 | 髙田 信良 |
真宗出雲路派 | 宗務長 | 茨田 宣丸 |
真宗誠照寺派 | 宗務長 | 加茂 博史 |
真宗三門徒派 | 宗務長 | 遍照 恵応 |
真宗山元派 | 宗務長 | 佛木 道宗 |
岸 田 文 雄 殿
Prime Minister Fumio Kishida
Since its foundation in 1969, the Federation of Shin Buddhist Denominations has unwaveringly protested against the Prime Minister's and other government officials' visit to the Yasukuni Shrine.
The Yasukuni Shrine has been playing a central role in the ideology of the State Shinto, which justifies the war efforts embarked upon by the then military government in the name of 'holy war' by commemorating those who lost their lives in these battles as 'war heroes.'
The Constitution of Japan clearly states that "we shall never be visited with the horrors of war through the action of government" (Preamble) and "aspiring sincerely to an international peace" (Article 9). The principles of 'the freedom of religion' and 'the separation of church and state' form the backbone of these provisions. Therefore, the Prime Minister's and other government officials' visit to the Yasukuni Shrine flagrantly violates the spirit of the Constitution.
Shakyamuni Buddha once said, "Everyone trembles before violence. Everyone fears death. Putting yourself in place of others, do not kill nor cause others to kill." The following is also recorded as his words in a sutra, "When the Buddha Dharma prevails, the land is prosperous and the people live in peace, so there is no need to use soldiers and weapons." Shinran Shonin, the founder of Jodo Shinshu, also expressed his dearest wish for peace in a letter saying, "May there be peace in the world, and may the Buddha's teaching spread!"
However, against these venerable teachers' noble aspirations, we Shin Buddhist communities must admit to a negative history of blindly following the policies of the then Japanese government and voluntarily supporting thier war efforts since the Meiji period, and consequently, we have brought tremendous suffering to both Japanese people as well as those in other countries. With deep reflection on our past, as Buddhists, we have seriously listened to the voice of all victims without regard to the distinctions between friend or foe, and have come to realize that their aspiration for peace is identified as that of the Buddha. In accordance with this understanding, we will continue to join forces with our community members to work toward the realization of world peace without war through such activities as memorial services for war victims.
Therefore, we would once again like to sincerely request that you deepen the realization of how problematic the government officials' visit to the Yasukuni Shrine in the light of the principle of the Constitution and immediately discontinue the visit. It is also our earnest request that you continue to single-mindedly work toward the achievement of world peace.
August 6, 2024
Federation of Shinshu Buddhism | |
Governor General Akihiro Ogino, Jodo Shinshu Hongwanji-ha | |
Governor General Wataru Kigoshi, Shinshu Otani-ha | |
Governor General Shujo Masuda, Shinshu Takada-ha | |
Governor General Kiyoaki Yagi, Shinshu Bukkoji-ha | |
Governor General Jikiju Hata, Shinshu Kosho-ha | |
Chief Governor Shinryo Takada, Shinshu Kibe-ha | |
Chief Governor Nobumaru Manda, Shinshu Izumoji-ha | |
Chief Governor Hiroshi Kamo, Shinshu Joshoji-ha | |
Chief Governor Keio Henjo, Shinshu Sammonto-ha | |
Chief Governor Doshu Hotegi, Shinshu Yamamoto-ha |